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The Blessing of Ya'akov ברכת יעקוב

Jerusalem (border)



Nishmat Kol Chai         נשמת כל חי


Nishmat Kol Chai         נשמת כל חי  ​ 'Were our mouth as full of song as the sea, and our tongue as full of joyous song as its multitude of waves, and our lips as full of praise as the breadth of the heavens, and our eyes as brilliant as the sun and the moon, and our hands as outspread as the eagles of the sky and our feet as swift as hinds'. ​ Tehillil 22:29

A righteous man, like a date tree... צדיק כתמר יפרח יפרח...

God will bless you; you will see Jerusalem's goodness

Ex Libris Issi Liebler

Blessing of the Candles הדלקות נרות

Blessing of the Candles הדלקות נרות (Hagit,Sunny & Yasmin)

Blessing the Candles

Blessing of the Candles הדלקות נרות

Blessing the Candles

Blessing of the Candles

A Woman of Valour (אשת חייל)

A Woman of Valour אשת חייל

A Woman of Valour  אשת חייל

A Woman of Valour אשת חייל

Judges will be at your gates...

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