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My Perfect Man

How to Build the Perfect Home for my Perfect Man

Once I had made Som-Chai, My Perfect Man, I knew I had to cement our relationship by building our Perfect Home. Which led to my final question – Once you have the Perfect Man and the Perfect Home, can you truly be happy?


Well, so far, I can say, yes. Som-Chai does makes me happy. He reflects all that is true in me – my passions, my inspirations, my joy and my peace.  He is also kind, generous and brings a smile to everyone he meets.


Som Chai and I want to thank the devoted team behind this project.

Firstly, our Burmese builders, Low and Lough. They are smart, reliable and resourceful.

Also the Compeung team: Pa, the head supervisor, who was promptly here at 8am every morning. Ong, the brain and the hands behind this construction, and also the provider of nightly music that pumped us up even more.

I thank Gabor for his evening bursts of power and energy and his belief in this project. Linda – thanks for your perfect pics and the interior decoration of our Home.

And most importantly, Ma, for adding her nurturing care to the whole site. With warm hearts, Som Chai and I leave you with our words of appreciation and blessings.


We will carry the spirit of this haven back to Melbourne, Australia and look forward to our return.

My Perfect Man

My Perfect Man

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