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Dancing Auschwitz

Living Art

After the hype of Dancing Auschwitz, my father and I decided to offer visitors to Federation Square the opportunity to ask my father any questions relating to his past and our project.


Dad was thrilled to come to the gallery each day  by tram and sit on a cosy armchair in a mock-up lounge room with the series of Dancing Auschwitz videos playing on the wall behind him.


This was a memorable week where dad sat for hours chatting, explaining, retelling his history to anyone that was curious to open up a conversation on the horrors of the Holocaust.


I called this project Living Art’.  Dad was a survivor  – he had lived through it all.

Without him the project would not have been possible.

Adolek Kohn, 2015

Adolek Kohn, 2015

Linda Wachtel & Dad

Linda Wachtel & Dad

Sapna Chandu & Dad

Sapna Chandu & Dad

Me & Dad

Me & Dad

Adolek with Grandson, Gil, and frien

Adolek with Grandson, Gil, and friends

Always eager to tell a story

Always eager to tell a story

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