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U R What U Drive

Looking around at cars and their drivers, I noticed that our choice of car often defines us and how we want others to perceive us. 


I have adopted different guises whereby my car defines me; if my car projects an indigenous motif, so do I. If my car has fringes and a coffee cup on the roof, I also have fringes and a coffee cup on my roof (head)...

Stick-figure car‭ =  Stick-figure me

Stick-figure car‭ = Stick-figure me

Indigenous car‭ =  Indigenous me

Indigenous car‭ = Indigenous me

Shaving-cream car = Shaving-cream

Shaving-cream car = Shaving-cream

Yellow car‭ ‬=‭ Yellow Me

Yellow car‭ ‬=‭ Yellow Me & teacup

Sacred car‭ and ‬Buddha

Sacred car‭ and ‬Buddha

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