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Dementia at the movies


Yasha suggested we all go see a movie as it had been awhile since we had all been out together. The only movie Gil and I were curious to see was ‘The Father’, about a daughter’s challenges with her father who is in denial of his progressing dementia. The film gives the audience an insight into his confused inner world.

I haven’t taken mum to the movies for a number of years because when I last tried, she spent most of the time wanting to go to the toilet. I had no carer so we decided to take her with us, spare nappies and all. I felt uneasy plonking her in front of a movie whose theme was dealing with dementia. I wasn’t sure how much she was absorbing and hoped that whatever she did pick up wouldn’t upset her. However, she seemed to follow the whole story and in the end commented that it was a 'very moving film'.

All in all, the outing was fun and fortunately uneventful.

Gil, Yasha/Coby, Mum and me

Always loveable and appreciative.


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