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Goodbye Adolek

April 2016.

Dad is eating less and is transferred to Gary Smorgan. I had a quiet birthday, spending it mostly with dad. He now refuses to eat and is given Saline for about 5 days. We start a vigil (under Donny’s suggestion). Ronny comes to Oz, as well as Sunny and Yasmin. It is very special and wonderful to have the family together. I was blown away and so proud of Ronny for coming to say goodbye to dad. Ronny cried when he said his final goodbye. Sunny stayed for 2 days - crazy but wonderful. (She had a fight with the doctor re the drip being stopped).

April 20th. Dad dies. Z”L. MHRIP

Yasmin extended her flight and was here when dad died and stayed for the funeral. So good that she was here with me. Mum was stoic. I was sleeping in the waiting room when dad died.

The funeral was surreal. I was in a good mood and felt dad was so much alive in me. I worked hard on my speech and it paid off. I tried to praise and honour dad as much as was possible. I loved him very much. We only had one night of shiva because of Pesach (Passover). It all finished so quickly. I stayed with mum almost every night. I had some nice visits from friends. 


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