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Miss World Peace

in the Middle East

This project is divided into 8 subset projects:

Miss World Peace in Tel Aviv


Miss World Peace in Jerusalem

Al Wallajah 

Peace Negotiations

Teach Your Children Well

Miss World Peace attends Protests for Peace

The Scarecrow

The Next Generation

This project continues with my alter ego, ‘Miss World Peace’. Not the young and sexy version, but an old, worn-out, but still determined one.

For four years my job was to spread good will and hope to people everywhere with kind words and positive gestures. My first appearance was in Melbourne in 2009 during anti-Israel protests. Subsequent visits included Thailand and former concentration camps in Europe. 

While I was living in Israel for several months, I became intrigued and concerned by the politics there. So I dressed in my formal gown, with a tiara and a sash with the words ‘Miss World Peace’ in English, Hebrew and Arabic, and armed with Israeli and Palestinian flags in each hand, I embarked on a ‘peace dialogue’ with ordinary people I encountered along the way.


My mission took me to Palestinian protests in Tel Aviv, to the Old City in Jerusalem, the Wailing Wall, markets and bus terminals where Israeli soldiers catch their buses back to their posts – some to the Palestinian front, some to other remote and isolated locations.

There was no way of telling whether the people I engaged with would go along with my self-appointed mission or if they would lay the harsh political truth on me. Despite the absurdity, I persisted and endured, questioned and encouraged in my quest for ‘Peace in the Middle East’.

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